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FUE Hair Transplants (Follicular Unit Extractions)

Hairs Culture Studio

Hair transplantation is the most effective way of restoring hair. This is the procedure under which each hair transplanted into the scalp to match with the patient's previous hair growth pattern where the new hair will continue to grow. Through this procedure, you will get permanent hair. Hair transplant is a treatment in which a dermatological surgeon who has expertise in hair transplant field moves hair to a bald area of the head. They usually make the movement of hair from the backside of the head to the top of the head. This treatment is done under local anesthesia.

FUE Hair Transplants is a good choice for you. FUE, known as Follicular Unit Extraction, or sometimes referred to as follicular unit transplantation is a kind of hair transplant surgery that includes removing individual hair follicles from a donor part of the body, normally the sides and back of the scalp/head.

FUE Hair Transplant
FUE hair transplants are most commonly performed on the scalp. a hair transplant takes hair you have and gives it to an area where you don’t have hair. It’s typically used from the back of your head, but can also be taken from other parts of your body. You won’t experience any scars from a FUE hair transplant other than tiny white dots where follicles were taken out. These may fade over time.


  1. Your surgeon will shave down the hair in the area where follicles will be removed as well as around the transplant area.
  2. Using a micropunch tool, they will remove follicles from your skin.
  3. Your surgeon will then make a series of tiny incisions with a needle or other small, sharp tool where the extracted follicles will be inserted.
  4. They’ll insert the follicles into the incisions.
  5. Your surgeon will clean and bandage the area for recovery.


  • Once the donor area heals , there is no noticeable scarring in the donor area.
  • Client has the flexibility to wear the hair extremely short or even shave off the hair without the fear of any visible scaring in the donor area.
  • If the donor area is very light, FUE technique can be used.
  • FUE can be repeated after one month.


  • Wait a few days after the surgery to wash your hair.
  • Only use mild shampoos for the first few weeks.
  • You should be able to return to work or normal activities in about 3 days.
  • Don’t press a brush or comb down over the new grafts for about 3 weeks.
  • Don’t wear any hats or pullover shirts and jackets until your doctor says it’s OK.
  • Don’t exercise for about a week.
  • Don’t worry if some hairs fall out.

Hair’s Culture provides the best hair transplantation and the Best Hair Replacement in Dubai,Qatar, Cochin, Calicut, Thrissur, Kollam, Bangalore, Kerala etc.

For more details please visit:


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